September 2020 newsletter

'Don't reach for normal, reach for better' 🙌 — Mirza Monthly #4
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Hey friends and family,

Before we get stuck in, we have a few company updates for you. We’re delighted to introduce our new CTO, Robert Elliott Smith! 👋 Rob is an AI whizz with over 30 years’ experience and we’re thrilled to have him on team Mirza. In other news, we’ll be launching our beta waitlist and we’d love for you to be a part of it. We’ll be releasing more details about it soon on our website, but for now, follow us on our socials to stay updated! 📲

So... where did summer go and how is it fall already?! 🍂 It’s a hectic time for many of us as we dive into this semester. Between the school runs and the scramble to get back to work, it’s easy to feel burnout. We’re here to remind you to check in with your mental, emotional and physical health this month. Take a moment, an afternoon or even a weekend to recharge and take care of yourself. It’s been a gruelling period and we can all use some self-care this September 🛁 

This is also the perfect opportunity to reach out to your community. Don’t be afraid to ask for help! Whether that’s getting in contact with your friends, family, colleagues or neighbors, community is more important than ever as we face a back-to-school season like no other.

It also goes without saying; we’re always here to help. If you missed our back-to-school boot camp last month, check out our blog for the full low down. Whether that’s setting goals as a family, talking to your employer or how to homeschool your kids this fall, we’ve got you covered 💜

Happy Labor Day! 🌟 While we say goodbye to an unforgettable summer and celebrate with a long Labor Day weekend, we'd like to remind you of the history of the holiday (what’s a Mirza newsletter without a little history lesson 😉)  Labor Day was originally created to honor the American worker and the great American work ethic. But what does that actually mean these days? When the invisible, yet essential work done by childcare providers and full time working parents continue to be undervalued and underpaid, who are we actually celebrating? The pandemic has revealed just how integral childcare is in supporting the rest of the workforce and the wider economy. Childcare benefits everyone, yet it continues to be at the expense of women. This year, Labor Day serves as a reminder that inequity in the workplace is very much alive and kicking.

Constitution and Citizenship day is coming up this month! 📜 It celebrates the signing of the American Constitution and those who have become US citizens. It’s a day that recognizes the efforts and responsibilities of all citizens to create "a more perfect union," one that provides and protects freedom and individual human rights. In the wake of such violent and turbulent times, this ideal feels more poignant than ever. The promise of ‘a more perfect union’ has yet to be realised, as our current reality seems at odds with this vision. Take this as an opportunity to examine everyday privileges we take for granted. With this in mind, do you think you can pass the citizenship test? And more importantly, have you registered to vote?! 🗳 It takes 30 seconds, so check now to see if you’re registered. If you’re feeling super extra, get involved!
Spread the love on Good Neighbors Day this year! 💜 Too often we underestimate the power of community and neglect the relationships with the people we see everyday. This month make an effort to connect with your neighbors. Whether that’s initiating a conversation with someone new or holding a neighborhood event, we challenge you to give back where you can. At the same time, don’t forget that you can turn to your community for help. If you’re struggling with childcare, why not consider a community-based solution? We all need a helping hand sometimes and you never know until you ask. So, shoutout to all the good neighbors out there and here’s to building strong, safe and thriving communities together! 👏
...these two amazing teachers in Florida who transformed their classroom desks into Jeeps to ease students into social distancing. So clever and creative!

🎉 National Hispanic Heritage Month starts on the 15th September! Celebrate by supporting a Hispanic-owned business. For a fun family activity, watch Coco on Disney+ with the kids! 🍿

🌎 Global Climate Action Day is on 25th September. Challenge yourself to see how you can reduce your carbon footprint this month. Go plastic-free, eat less meat and dairy, or give up shopping. The list is endless, so here’s a guide to get you started💡

🏘  It’s National Good Neighbors Day on 28th September and what better way to celebrate than by listening to Episode 1 of Michelle Obama’s new Podcast?! Tune in as she talks with her husband about the current moment and our responsibilities to our communities, our country, and each other 💜 

💛 September also marks Child Cancer Awareness Month. Each year in the U.S., over 15,000 children aged 0-19 years are diagnosed with cancer. Globally there are more than 300,000 children diagnosed with cancer each year. Shoutout to these awesome charities for their incredible work: 

That’s a wrap on our September Newsletter! Thanks for catching up with us. Now we’d like to hear from you. We’re currently looking for beta testers and would love to have you on board. We’ll be releasing more details about it soon so make sure to stay in the loop and follow us on our socials! 👇

Speak to you soon,


20-22 Wenlock Road, London, N1 7GU

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Homeschooling 101: Q&A with Heather Lipson Bell


Ways to help your community this semester